American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR) History
The Germans from Russia story begins in 1762 with the Manifesto issued by Catherine the Great. Migrations to Russia were many and by the end of the 19th century, there were about 1.8 million Germans in Russia. In 1872, the Germans in Russia began to emigrate to the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, and other countries.
With a large GR population in Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado, there was interest in forming an organization. In 1968, AHSGR was founded and incorporated in Colorado as an international, nonprofit educational organization engaged in researching the history of all German Russians. In 1973, the AHSGR office was relocated to Lincoln, Nebraska. Learn more about our headquarters!
Preserving German Russian History
AHSGR is dedicated to obtaining, translating, and publishing historical information, genealogical research, and folklore for the benefit of its current and future members with the assistance of local chapters, AHSGR staff, and international volunteers. See how you can get involved!