Event Series Treffen Tuesday

Treffen Tuesday

Treasures from the AHSGR Archives AHSGR Archivist Karen Keehr shares some of the amazing, unique German Russian treasures housed in the AHSGR Archives and Museum Collections. From heart wrenching letters from Russia to beautiful old maps, enjoy a virtual tour behind the scenes at the AHSGR Heritage Center in Lincoln, Nebraska. Karen will also talk … Continued

Storytelling Contest Deadline

Deadline for submission: Friday, September 6, 2024. You can submit your story by using the form below, emailing it to lhorken@ahsgr.org, or mailing it to AHSGR 631 D St., Lincoln, NE 68502.

Event Series Research Saturdays

Research Saturdays

AHSGR Headquarters 631 D St., Lincoln, NE, United States

AHSGR will be open 9am to 4pm on the first Saturday of each month to allow people to conduct research outside of normal museum hours. Appointments are not required but are encouraged, and you can schedule one here!

AHSGR Book Club


Have you ever wondered what life was like for our family members who were sent to Siberia? This book, Woldemar Fieldler's memoir, details experiences of the Fiedler family. Please join our book club discussion on September 12 to add your thoughts or you can just listen and learn the history behind the stories. See you … Continued

Event Series Treffen Tuesday

Treffen Tuesday

Schön and Sheyn –The Beautiful Harmony Between German-Russian and Russian Jewish Homesteaders  In 1938, the Andrews Sisters’ Bei mir bist du schön (To Me You’re Beautiful) was a big radio hit. Though many believed it was a German song, it was a song written in Yiddish, a language spoken by Eastern European Jews. The record company … Continued


AHSGR Headquarters 631 D St., Lincoln, NE, United States

Join us for a family fun Oktoberfest Saturday, September 28th 2-5 PM at the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia at 631 D St. Lincoln, NE. Free food and drinks will be provided, including runzas from Runza! Activities include: German Russian games, and tours of the museum. You won’t want to miss this event!

Event Series Research Saturdays

Research Saturdays

AHSGR Headquarters 631 D St., Lincoln, NE, United States

AHSGR will be open 9am to 4pm on the first Saturday of each month to allow people to conduct research outside of normal museum hours. Appointments are not required but are encouraged, and you can schedule one here!

2024 Storytelling Contest

Storytelling is an important oral and written tradition that ensures the continuation and enhancement of Germans from Russia history and heritage among future generations. The annual AHSGR Storytelling Contest invites members and non-members to capture the Germans from Russia experience through storytelling. Writers can participate by submitting fiction or nonfiction stories, poetry that explore the … Continued

Organizing Your Personal Archives Workshop


Do you have papers, photos or family heirlooms that you don’t know how to preserve? Well don’t worry about that as our Archivist Karen Keehr is going to give you the tricks and tips on how to start and organize your very own personal archive. Register Here

Event Series Treffen Tuesday

Treffen Tuesday

A Quest for Relatives in Kazakhstan Several years ago I discovered a village in northern Kazakhstan named Karamyshevka that was started in 1906 by Germans. Karamyshevka was also the Russian name of Bauer, the village in the Volga region that was home to my German Russian relatives. I suspected residents of Karamyshevka in the Volga … Continued

Event Series Research Saturdays

Research Saturdays

AHSGR Headquarters 631 D St., Lincoln, NE, United States

AHSGR will be open 9am to 4pm on the first Saturday of each month to allow people to conduct research outside of normal museum hours. Appointments are not required but are encouraged, and you can schedule one here!

AHSGR Book Club

Join us on December 9, 2024 at 2:00 PM CT as we discuss Songs of the She-Bear! Register Here Get the book here

AHSGR Writer’s Group


  Writers and aspiring writers are invited to share their work to receive constructive feedback in a positive, supportive environment. We will start with a writing warm up and then share ideas and writing projects with one another. From time to time, guest writers will lead the group. Zoom Link

Event Series Research Saturdays

Research Saturdays

AHSGR Headquarters 631 D St., Lincoln, NE, United States

AHSGR will be open 9am to 4pm on the first Saturday of each month to allow people to conduct research outside of normal museum hours. Appointments are not required but are encouraged, and you can schedule one here!

German Christmas Service

Friedens Lutheran Church 540 D St, Lincoln, NE, United States

Fröhliche Weihnachten! German Christmas Service Sunday, December 8, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church 540 “D” Street, Lincoln, Nebraska Free Event – All Are Welcome Rt Rev. Michael Melchizedek providing the German dialogue and Pastor Bud Christenson providing the English dialogue.   CELEBRATE THE CHRISTMAS STORY WITH WORDS AND SONGS IN ENGLISH AND … Continued

Holiday Open House and Harp Concert

AHSGR is hosting a harp concert in the chapel by of the Great Plains Harp Chapter. Learn more about German Russian holiday traditions, enjoy holiday music, cookies, crafts, and light refreshments.

Event Series Research Saturdays

Research Saturdays

AHSGR Headquarters 631 D St., Lincoln, NE, United States

AHSGR will be open 9am to 4pm on the first Saturday of each month to allow people to conduct research outside of normal museum hours. Appointments are not required but are encouraged, and you can schedule one here!

Event Series Treffen Tuesday

Treffen Tuesday

The January and February presentations will be a 2-part sequential exploration of DNA Match Analysis in combination with Volga German migration patterns.  The focus will be on Volga Colony DNA research, but the concepts are transferrable to all other areas of German genetic genealogical research. The January session will start with a brief overview of … Continued

AHSGR Writer’s Group

Writers and aspiring writers are invited to share their work to receive constructive feedback in a positive, supportive environment. We will start with a writing warm up and then share ideas and writing projects with one another. From time to time, guest writers will lead the group.Register Here

Event Series Research Saturdays

Research Saturdays

AHSGR Headquarters 631 D St., Lincoln, NE, United States

AHSGR will be open 9am to 4pm on the first Saturday of each month to allow people to conduct research outside of normal museum hours. Appointments are not required but are encouraged, and you can schedule one here!

Spring Periodical Material Deadline

Please send potential Journal articles to our journal editor at journaleditor@ahsgr.org Potential content for the Newsletter can be sent to lhorken@ahsgr.org

AHSGR Book Club

Join us for Book Club on February 24th at 2pm CT. This book tells the story of George and Elisabeth Catherine Debus Maser from Kukkus, Russia who immigrated to Lincoln, Nebraska and then to the Au Gres area of Michigan. It is a celebration of how a brave woman and the husband she did not … Continued

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