Are you interested in donating to the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Museum or Library? Donations to the AHSGR Museum and Library follow a specific set of processes that you can find listed below. If you have any additional questions about these procedures please email us at ahsgr@ahsgr.org, call us at 402-474-3363 or contact us online.
What kinds of items is AHSGR interested in?
AHSGR is always seeking exciting items related to the German from Russia heritage and culture. Considered items shall be in good condition and not be contaminated (mold/mildew/insects/odors) to protect the museum structure and other artifacts.
How can I contact AHSGR about items I wish to donate?
Potential donors should either call to make an appointment with the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR) at 402-474-3363 or email AHSGR at ahsgr@ahsgr.org. Objects offered for donation must include photographs of the item(s) you wish to donate, as well as a written history of the item(s) that include dates, origin, materials, dimensions, and condition. AHSGR will review the donation request and make a final decision.
Can I just drop off or mail my items to AHSGR?
No, AHSGR encourages interested donors to make an appointment, contact us online, or email AHSGR at ahsgr@ahsgr.org. Unsolicited donations that are dropped off without prior arrangements will not be considered for acceptance as a donation. These items will not be the responsibility of AHSGR and the security of these items will not be guaranteed. Individuals involved with sending unsolicited donations will be encouraged to pursue the above procedure. If that is not accomplished, the items may be returned or disposed of at the discretion of AHSGR.
What is the process once I submit my donation offer?
If an item is accepted, a Deed of Gift is to be completed at which time the items become the property of AHSGR. Once an item is accessioned, it may be placed on display or into storage at the discretion of the AHSGR Executive Director and the Board of Directors.
When items are not accepted, the owner will be notified by AHSGR and provided an explanation for the decision based on the AHSGR’s mission statement, condition of the items, or duplication of the item. If the item is located at the museum, the owner will be asked to remove said item at their own expense.
Who reviews donation offers?
The committee reviewing donations is composed of the AHSGR Executive Director, AHSGR museum staff and volunteers, and members of the AHSGR Board of Directors.