Memorials are given by those who want to honor a family member, friend, or associate who passed away through a financial gift to AHSGR. It is a special and tangible way to honor the deceased.
The following memorials have been dedicated to AHSGR.
Given by Maury Johnson in memory of Gottfried Eurich
Given by Amy Nelson in memory of Marlin and Nathalie Nelson
Given by the Lodi California Chapter of AHSGR in memory of Schulz
Given by Donita Rotherham in memory of Donna Day
Given by the Lodi California Chapter of AHSGR in memory of Diance Adamson
Given by Margaret Wilson in memory of Paul and Marie Schafer
Given by Barbara Dittenber in memory of Karen Dittenber Johnson
Given by Marilyn Walls in memory of Karen Dittenber Johnson
Given by Nancy Clyne in memory of Karen Dittenber Johnson
Given by Norma Harrison in memory of Donna Day
Given by Nicholas Bretz in memory of Alvin Hart
Given by Jeffrey Searcy in memory of Donna Day
Given by Sharon Buckner in memory of Donna Day
Given by Sally Kastanek in memory of Donna Day
Given by William Mohr in memory of Donna Day
Given by Linda Schuldeis in memory of Donna Day
Given by Paul Loos in memory of Donna Day
Given by Sheryl Pawelko in memory of Donna Day
Given by Doris Evans in memory of Jean Roth
Given by Richard Kaiser in memory of Phyllis Elaine Kaiser
Given by the Family of Susan Stoehr in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Janice Wilcoxen in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by John Wenzel in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Gayla D Nelson in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Dorothy Schnidt Klein in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Linda Ashelford in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Mike and Pat Aalberg in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Carolyn Schuerman in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Jean Rudolph in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Kathleen and David Krumm in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Jam Kujath in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Christa Kujath in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Joan and Jim Hetter in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Ken and Ann Kujath in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Judy and Michelle Knobmna in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Bonnie Green in memory of Roy and Shirley Helfenbein
Given by David Clark in memory of Susan Stoehr
Given by Perry Borth in memory of Shirley Helfenbein
Given by Katherine Freiburger in memory of Shirley Helfenbein
Given by the Lodi California Chapter of AHSGR in memory of Irene Wasik
Given by Michael and Catherine Baker in memory of Shirley Helfenbein
Given by Tony and Lou Ann Diodato in memory of Shirley Helfenbein
Given by Cindy Rowlan in memory of Alvin Hart
Given by the Golden Wheat Chapter of AHSGR in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by the Golden Wheat Chapter of AHSGR in memory of Wallace Seibel
Given by Gary Leikam in memory of David Leikam
Given by Bertha Fink in memory of John Jr. & Charlotte Hoveiler Krum
Given by Brandon Bradkin & family in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Deanna Zitterkopf in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by an anonymous donor in memory of Mary Ann Shaw Kahm -
Given by Jerry Thomas in memory of John and Lydia Hardung
Given by Lucille Elrite in memory of Jacob Kurtz
Given by Shirley Betz in memory of Victor and Pauline Kinderfater
Given by Nancy Anderson in memory of Dorothy Lower
Given by the Golden Wheat Chapter in memory of Stephanie Valentine and Larry Asman
Given by Donald Weinmeister in memory of Katherine Weinmeister
Given by Joann Maul in memory of Don Maul
Given by Marcia Heir in memory of Leonard Heir
Given by Jorja Munns in memory of June Hensley
Given by Carol French in memory of Charles and Betty Schmoll
Given by Mark Flegel in memory of Arthur and Cleora Flegel
Given by Marjorie Morgenstern in memory of GP (Fritz) and Marth (Boxberger) Morgenstern
Given by Biff and Cathleen Pfeiff in memory of Lucille Severns
Given by Jeff Riddle in memory of Kathryn (Kathy) Stalhman
Given by Michael Schweitzer in memory of Kathryn (Kathy) Stalhman
Given by Larry Neu in memory of Dan and Pauline Neu
Given by Anna and John Daniel in memory of Robert Fahrenbruch
Given by the Lodi California Chapter in memory of Luise Bartoschek and Anne Fogle
Given by Christina Dyess in memory of Kathryn (Kathy) Stalhman
Given by Michael Dann in memory of Terri Dan
Given by Harold Penner in memory of Lavalla Penner and Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Lori McCarty in memory of Kathryn (Kathy) Stalhman
Given by John Groh in memory of Larry Bohlender
Given by Tom Boyer in memory of Erwin Ulmer
Given by Sally Gallagher in memory of Eugene Krum
Given by Carolyn Bean in memory of Lillian Larwig
Given by Eileen Wier in memory of George Kloberdanz
Given by Ardis Roh in memory of Robert Roh
Given by Thelma Martin in memory of Mildred Treher
Given by the Saginaw Valley Chapter in memory of Audrey Fischer, Norman Krogman, Richard Richter, and Jacob Eichhorn
Given by Margaret Wilson in memory of Marie Mehling and Paul Schafer
Given by Kathleen Bohn Keane in memory of Andrew Kroneberger
Given by Ann Hayes in memory of Kathryn (Kathy) Stalhman
Given by Mary Lynn Walker in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Dennis White in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by James Hiebert in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Lawrence Penner in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Pauletta Brodhagen in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by John Groh in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Susan Crane-Laracuente in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Larry and Connie Jacobsen in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Karen Soeken in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Anna Dalhaimer Bartkowski in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Victoria O’Neal in memory of Norma Somerheiser
Given by Donors Trust in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Shirlee Mendon in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Nancy Haney in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Bernard Nichols in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Marilyn Steele in memory of Fred Almon Oberlender and Wandola Lockridge
Given by Kay Soltz in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Eleanor Sissell in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Peter Kaland in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Aaron Soltz in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Karen Calkins in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Henry Rahmig in memory of Lila Ellard
Given by Sara Bailey-Roberts in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Robert Ahlbrandt in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf
Given by Gladys Wyatt in memory of Dennis Zitterkopf