Aussiedler Tape Series Project

Aussiedler Tape Series Project: #51 Ella Faber Wolf and Friedrich Wolf; #56 Hulda Kopp Dell and Jakob Dell

AHSGR Monograph # 2008-1
Lincoln, Nebraska

In 1990 AHSGR, with the help of the Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland in Stuttgart, Germany, undertook a tape interviewing project of the older emigrants (Aussiedlers); those who had immigrated back to their ancestral homeland, Germany, from Russia (USSR). The purpose of the agreement between AHSGR and the Landsmannschaft was to establish a cooperative venture of genealogical and historical research through recording interviews of the many life stories of the German Aussiedler from Russia. Only those born in the home villages and lived there until 1941 can tell us what happened to family members who remained in Russia after our ancestors emigrated. These are the stories of two such families.

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