Brick Program Donation
The statue in front of the AHSGR International Headquarters Building in Lincoln, Nebraska, is sculpted from limestone and stands about seven feet high. It depicts a German Russian family who has just arrived in the Americas.
Hundreds of engraved red bricks surround the base of the statue. The sale of these bricks provides funds for Society expenses as well as provides a beautiful brick garden honoring the names of our German Russian ancestors. Be sure and check the bricks for family members and that of John Denver, a famous musician of German Russian ancestry!
Don’t miss this opportunity to honor your parents, grandparents and other family members by purchasing a decorative brick engraved with their names. You may also purchase a brick for your children and grandchildren to remind them of their German-Russian heritage now and in the future.
Individuals and families may purchase a brick for $125. $195 bricks are available for purchase by AHSGR chapters, schools, businesses, organizations and corporations. There is no limit on the number of bricks available for purchase. New bricks are installed quarterly.
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