Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2 – Summer 1989

Cover: The cover picture of Adam Richmeier, who was born in Herzog, Russia, gives further illustration to “Sojourn to Russia,” an account of Ronald D. Richmeier’s visit to his relative in U.S.S.R.


“The German Settlements in the Belovezh Parish in Chernigov Province,” an article from Heimatbuch der Ostumsiedler 1955, by Frieda Schlau, translated by Edward R. Brandt
“Gypsies Lost in a Blizzard” by Alexander Dupper
Book reviews: The Soviet Germans; Past and Present reviewed by Robert Meininger and Letters From Susan: A Woman’s View of the Russian Mennonite Experience reviewed by Lawrence Klippenstein
“The Lehr Family From Messer” by Ruth Gaus Langolf
“Inhabitants of Messer, Volga Region, 1939-1940” compiled by Lydia Lehr Reinhardt
“Town plan of Messer [Ust’ Zolikha], Volga Region,” drawn by Jacob Lehr
“The Crossraising Celebration in Messer on 5 August 1912” by Schoolmaster J. Streck, translated by Ruth Gaus Langolf
“Reflections and Reminiscences: A Bukovina German Tells His Story” by Jacob Welisch, translated by Sophie A. Welisch
“We Sing Our History” by Lawrence A. Weigel
“Folklore Forum” compiled by Ruth Freehling
“Encounters of an Immigrant” by Conrad Schleining, his life history
“A Dutch Windmill on the Kansas Prairies” by Solomon L. Loewen
“Books and Articles Recently Added to the AHSGR Archives” by Frances Amen and Mary Rabenberg

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