The Immigration of German Colonists to Denmark and Their Subsequent Emigration to Russia in the Years 1759-1766
German Title: Die Einwanderung deutscher Kolonisten nach Dänemark und deren weitere Auswanderung nach Russland in den Jahren 1759-1766
Thanks to the generosity of the Eichhorn family, the AHSGR is proud to make this book available with all proceeds benefiting AHSGR. This important book cannot be purchased elsewhere.
Written in both German and English, this acclaimed 767 page book contains extensive information obtained from Danish and German archives. The book highlights colonists who settled in the Volga region, Hirschenhof, Riebensdorf, Tschernigow (Chernigov) and St. Petersburg. Included are important previously unpublished data. Historians and genealogists will find this book a valuable reference.
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