Genealogical german russian Research Resources
AHSGR provides many resources to aid in genealogical research related to the history, cultural history and genealogy of the Germanic settlers in the Russian Empire and their descendants. You can access some of these resources easily on our website:
Online Library
AHSGR is dedicated to the discovery, collection, preservation and dissemination of information related to the history, cultural history and genealogy of the Germanic settlers in the Russian Empire and their descendants.
Archives and Special Collections
AHSGR houses rare and unique documents comprised of books, manuscripts, original research on Germans from Russia, correspondence, photographs, and more which may only be viewed in-house at the AHSGR Library.
Research Services
We provide reference services to access resources for those unable to visit our Research Library. See pricing & request research services online.
Accessing EWZ Files
Learn how to use, access, and request records from the EWZ (Einwandererzentralstelle) Files.
American Volga Relief Society (AVRS)
Browse info on the starvation of the Volga German colonists in Russia and the efforts of the AVRS to supply food and other aid to the region.
Aussiedler Collection
Collection of audio records from the early 1990s of aussiedlers, German Russians who had moved to Germany after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Church Records
Digitized U.S. Church Records from the AHSGR Archives.
Danish Birth, Marriage, and Death Records
View birth, marriage, and death records of settlers who moved to Denmark before going to Russia as compiled by Wayne Bonner.
Federal Land Records
Access the Bureau of Land Management’s Official Federal Land Records Site and get instructions on how to search & find land records.
Find a Grave
Access the world’s largest gravesite collection. Search graves & cemeteries or create memorials and add photos.
Genealogy Forms
AHSGR offers free downloadable Family Group & Ancestral Charts to help keep you organized during your genealogy research.
German Origins Project
Get instructions on how to use the German Origins Project for genealogical research related to specific family names and villages.
Immigration / Passenger Lists
Guidance for finding German Russian immigration records using on-line sources. Before the availability of web-based access to digital passenger records, access to records held by the National Archives was limited. During this time, AHSGR published passenger ship arrival information about Germans from Russia. An index to this published information can be browsed by ship, surname or village.
Karl Stumpp Book
Contains alphabetical lists of thousands of German immigrants to Russia. View vital statistics, place of German origin, & locality of settlement in Russia.
Letters from Hell Index
This index includes surnames and locations of letters written from German Russians during the years 1922-1924. Letters from Russia, the Great Plains Region in the US and Canada, and other countries around the globe piece together the harsh realities of friends and relatives who were surviving the famines in Russia.
The AHSGR Obituary Collection includes obituaries of the original Germans from Russia immigrants and their descendants who were predominantly of Germans from Russia ancestry.
Obtaining Ancestral Records
Learn about obtaining records of your ancestors, their villages, and other information.
Passports to Freedom
View passport applications for German Russians from the Saratov region from 1877-1916 that include religion, age, occupation, marital status, family members & more.
Russian Archives Records Contacts
AHSGR will not serve as a mediator but does provide information of those who will contact the Russian Archives for genealogical information.
Surname Charts
See various ancestral charts that have been purchased by AHSGR members from researchers in Russia. Some are available for purchase from AHSGR.
Web Resources
AHSGR has compiled a list of website resources to aid in your genealogical research. Each tool provides valuable information in various areas.
1811 Census
The 1811 Russia Village Census Records lists census data from 34 German Villages along the Volga River in Russia. A free digital flipbook is available to all AHSGR members.
1941 Combined Deportation Lists
This group of documents compromises 62 files declassified in 2006, with brief descriptions. Documents in the files allow us to establish information such as loading points, routes, train numbers, and final destination station.

Help Celebrate and Preserve Our German Russian History
Without the generosity of AHSGR’s donors, we would not be able to provide extensive resources that are both invaluable & imperative to keeping our heritage alive. We are a nonprofit organization and rely heavily on our members & donors to continue preserving our German Russian history. Please consider donating in the area of your choice.
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