The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia has recently obtained a list, through the dedicated work of Mila Koretnikov and the State Archives of the Saratov Region, Russia, of some of the people from the Saratov region who applied for passports during the years 1877-1916. However, some years are missing from the list, such as 1878 and 1884. The Passport Applicant List, 1877-1916 totals approximately 10,000 names. This is not an inclusive list of all Germans from Russia who applied for passports during this time period. However, if your ancestors are listed as applicants, AHSGR will be able to obtain copies of their original Russian passport and associated paperwork along with the translated documents. Associated documents could include a police certificate, village administration certificate, etc.
Passport applications usually contain the following information:
- Religion
- The date of birth or age
- Occupation
- Married/was married
- Members of the family with ages given
- Liability for military service, e.g. served in the army in 1885
- Signature of the passport holder (if passport holder is illiterate, then his appearance description ; height, color of hair, any special marks
This project was brought to you via proceeds from The Lauren Foundation. Another benefit of becoming an AHSGR member today!
How To Purchase
To purchase a copy of the original and translated passport as well as the associated documents please follow the steps below:
- Purchase a print version of the Passport Applicant List, 1877-1916 HERE
- See below for the Passport Applicant List, 1877-1916 free digital flipbook.
- To learn how to get started click HERE.
- To learn how to search and order click HERE.
2.) Fill out the Passport Order Form. Please submit only one Passport Order Form per name. The form should be sent via email to passportproject@ahsgr.org or via post to 631 D Street, Lincoln NE 68502. AHSGR will send an email confirmation once your order has been received.
3.) Payment must accompany your Passport Order Form. You can pay via credit card using the Passport Order Form or by calling AHSGR at 402-474-3363. Payment can also be made via check. All checks should be sent to AHSGR at 631 D Street Lincoln NE, 68502.
4.) AHSGR will work to acquire and translate the passport and associated documents. Most orders will take up to four weeks to process. For Passports to Freedom orders placed in the months of January and August, processing and shipping of those orders will take longer than the usual estimated time of four weeks. We appreciate your understanding. One copy will be retained by AHSGR and the original copies will be sent to individual ordering.
AHSGR assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the Passports to Freedom project order forms and purchases submitted by customers.