2025 AHSGR Speaker Submission and Agreement Form

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Call for Presentations

Preserving Our Heritage

Lincoln, NE

July 30- August 1, 2025

The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia announces a request for presentations for our 55th Annual Convention: Preserving our History, an in person gathering from July 30 – August 1, 2025 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Our conventions attract members and people from around the world with various levels of expertise in genealogical studies and research. We encourage a wide variety of subjects, and all submitted proposals will be considered.


The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia was founded in 1968. Its mission is to discover, collect, preserve, and share the history, cultural heritage, and genealogical legacy of German settlers in the Russia Empire. Throughout the years we have fulfilled our mission by hosting an annual convention where members meet and conduct family research; listen to scholars of German Russian history; conduct ongoing research activities; learn about the latest technology for family research; and collaborate and renew previous acquaintances and connect with new attendees. We have purchased and translated hundreds of vital and other relevant records from Russia, conducted multiple education classes both virtually and in person, collected stories and family histories and assisted members and nonmembers seeking their family history and connections.


The planned format for the convention will be a single main presentation room with the day’s agenda held in a roundtable format. Each set of speakers will be presenting, followed by a roundtable question and answer time. Each day of the convention will be focused on a specific area of our Ancestors journey and life as they moved from Germanic areas started by Catherine the Great, then arrival, life in and departure from Russia, and finally on day three travel to and life after leaving Russia for their new destination. We are encouraging a broad array of presentations in each session covering anything from religion, geographic area, government pressures, wars or other influences that made the next move attractive or mandatory. And what foods and traditions moved with them. All settlement areas of Germans from Russia are welcome to be represented and included in the program.

1) Day one will be the Germanic life from the early 1800’s up through the departure for Russia.

2) Day two will cover the Russia years

3) Day three will speak to the next destination, be it Canada, the United States, South America, back to Germany or other parts of the world.

Length of each speaker session: 45-50 for the presentation at the end of a roundtable group we will have time for questions to the panel. Number of presentations that may be submitted: Three.

This form requests the following:

* Presenter contact information

* Presentation information

* Biography

* Equipment needs

* Permissions

Call for Presenter Submissions are due February 7, 2025

Speakers interested in presenting for the 2025 year should submit their proposals to via this online form (if you need a paper form, please email ahsgr@ahsgr.org).


Speakers from the United States, who are not members of AHSGR, may be offered a daily registration and meal(s) for the day of presentation. International speakers may be offered further travel compensation.


Camera-ready syllabus material, due June 1, 2025 is required for each general presentation and will be included in the Convention program distributed to all Convention registrants. Invitations to speak will begin to be issued by mid-February 2025. Speakers will be required to be present at the Convention. Letters of regret will not be sent out until all invited speakers have responded.



If you are not yet a member of AHSGR, join us and enjoy savings on registration, bookstore purchases plus access to exclusive members only benefits such as research discounts and free access to the library, museum and the quarterly Journal and Newsletter. Check out all the details at https://ahsgr.org/membership/. AHSGR is a non-profit educational organization engaged in researching the history of Germans who settled in the Russian Empire during the 18th and 19th centuries. This includes areas of present-day Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan. The AHSGR headquarters are located at 631 D Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Full Name (as you would like published in Convention Materials)(Required)

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