Treffen is a German word meaning to meet or a meeting. Treffen Tuesdays provide an opportunity to broaden your knowledge of the culture, history and experiences of the Germanic people who migrated to Russia (areas of the former Soviet Union) in the 18th and 19th century, and their descendants.
Treffen Tuesday is held the last Tuesday of the month. Presentations cover a variety of topics from researching German Russian families, archiving and preservation of treasures, famous Germans from Russia to the deportation of all Germans from Russia in the 1940’s – and much more.
The presentations are held virtually via Zoom at 5:30PM central time. Treffen Tuesday is open to all, but pre-registration is required. Announcements of upcoming topics and pre-registration information are sent to AHSGR members and posted on ahsgr.org and social media (Facebook and Instagram).
Click here if you are interested in presenting at a future Treffen Tuesday
Missed a Treffen Tuesday? Visit our Video Library to view recordings!