We are seeking presentations for our Treffen Tuesday program, a free monthly educational program for AHSGR members and non-member guests, held the last Tuesday of each month, January – October, at 5:30 PM Central Time for a 1-hour virtual presentation. This program has been very successful in reaching a large audience of individuals interested in topics related to Germans from Russia.
This current year we have had a wide range of subjects including the use of Wiki Tree, German Russian immigration from the USA to Canada, German Russian settlers in Denmark, a graphic novel of a family deported to Kazakhstan, an interview with a German Russian family deported to Siberia in 1940’s, Ukraine and the current crisis, textile treasures from a German Russian collection and a family’s entrance to the USA through Ellis Island.
Speakers interested in presenting in 2024 must submit their proposed presentation information using the fields below. After submitting this information, the leader of the Treffen Tuesday program, Dodie Rotherham, will then follow-up with you directly.
Proposals for 2024 presentations are requested to be submitted no later than November 14, 2023.
Become a Treffen Tuesday Presenter
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