AHSGR Village Coordinator (VC) Agreement and Statement of Purpose
Download a VC Agreement Form HERE
It is understood that the grassroots structure of member research and communication is a vital element of the ongoing collection and publication of information regarding our heritage.
Since the beginning of our Society in the 1960s, the organizational structure provided for a network of Village Coordinators to act as village liaisons assisting with research for the common good. All those involved were volunteers who agreed to donate their time and talent with the thought that the group’s work would later be shared with AHSGR to be protected and provided to newer generations. This remains the primary goal of the Village Coordinator network. See a list of current Village Coordinators.
Village Coordinator Responsibilities to Researchers and AHSGR:
- Serve as focal point for research, information and knowledge about the village.
- Coordinate research for the village among interested persons.
- Respond to inquiries for AHSGR members, non-members, and researchers interested in the
- Serve as a representative of AHSGR when contacted by a non-member. Answer their questions to the best of your ability but also inform them about the Society and encourage them to become a member. Give them the address of AHSGR’s website, where to find membership information, and direct them to our online store.
- Remember you are often the first contact for the Society a non-member has. Make a good first impression. Be positive!
- Share information with AHSGR that you have in your files and database. VCs often spend a considerable amount of their own funds to obtain village data, so merely giving a copy to AHSGR may not beYour files should eventually be transferred to AHSGR for safekeeping. See AHSGR as the repository of all your hard work so that it is not lost after you no longer are active. This information is copied to the Village File Inventory that can be searched from the AHSGR website.
- Remember to submit your yearly AHSGR dues if you are not a Life Member. Your membership must remain active and in good standing in order to be a VC for the
- Attend the annual conventions as often as possible, as many of the new members are eager to meet you.You might be surprised to find the high degree of esteem in which you are held!
- Developing and maintaining a village website is encouraged but not re You may enlist others to develop and maintain the site if you have time limitations or lack the skills.
Responsibilities of AHSGR for Village Coordinator Program:
The AHSGR Heritage Center and Board of Directors are to provide resources for Village Coordinator support. Staffing levels and budget constraints limit the amount of research and records maintenance that AHSGR can actually perform. In these areas, the contribution of the Village Coordinator is invaluable.
The Board, with assistance from the AHSGR Heritage Center staff, maintains several support activities for the Village Coordinators. See a complete list of AHSGR Board Members: https://ahsgr.org/about/boards/
- The Village Coordinator Program oversight and support are assigned to the Genealogy Committee.
- The Village Coordinator Liaison appointed by the Board of Directors reports to the Genealogy Committee and if not a member of the Board of Directors, is considered to be a non-board member of that committee.
- The Genealogy Committee Establishes policies and procedures for the Village Coordinator program and keep them current as conditions chang
- AHSGR shall send to the appropriate VC the name, address and email of any member or non-member who makes an inquiry about a village.
- Maintain the Village Files in the Library and ensure the contents are described when a search is performed on the AHSGR web site
- Encourage members to donate family research data, stories and genealogies to be included in the already extensive surname collection in the Library.
- Maintain a lending program through Interlibrary Loan to make materials available to Village Coordinators and membership at large.
- Retain village files obtained from retired or deceased VCs.
- Maintain an active “Requests from Abroad” program to correspond with those contacting AHSGR from countries outside of North America. All requests and related correspondence are kept on permanent file.
- Publish materials to support the overall initiatives of the Genealogy Committee and Village Coordinators, including:
- Census Lists
- Indexes
- Books of Historical and Genealogical interest
- Surname Charts
- Use the annual convention to support the activities of the Village Coordinators in a number of areas:
- Genealogy workshops
- Village Gathering or individual area meetings
- Village or village group displays prepared by the VC
- Library and research materials.
To become a new VC or continue in the role of an AHSGR VC, this form must be printed, signed and mailed to AHSGR, 631 D Street, Lincoln NE 68502. Failure to sign and return the Statement of Purpose to AHSGR will indicate that you do not care to be a Village Coordinator for AHSGR.