Village Coordinators (VCs) for the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia coordinate, aid, and assist those individuals attempting to bring families and villages together through village research. This work is done on a volunteer basis and many hours are spent gathering and organizing information.
Each coordinator communicates with all people who have the same village heritage. This includes sharing family group records, maps, individual and family histories, video and audio tapes of memories, trip experiences, and other village information.
While the coordinator lists have grown greatly, there are still many villages where there is no one to assist this great work. Anyone desiring information on becoming a coordinator and overseeing the work of a village should contact:
Village Coordinator Liaison: Raymond Karlin Send Email
Remember that Village Coordinators are VOLUNTEERS and may not have time to respond to requests immediately, so please be patient and respectful of the hard work and effort these coordinators are doing. Many villages now have a website that include the information they have been able to gather as well as links to helpful internet sites. See a list of Village Coordinators or search Villages here for more information!