The Board of Directors conducts all affairs of AHSGR. The Board is comprised of 30 elected members.  Board Members are selected to provide diversity in the skills and experiences available to the Board. Location of prospective Board Members is also considered to ensure geographic distribution that is representative of the full AHSGR membership. The term of office for members of the Board is three years. The terms are staggered so that 10 terms expire each year.

AHSGR seeks Board Members who are passionate about our German Russian heritage and the mission of AHSGR. Board Members are expected to actively participate in all Board meetings, assigned committees and AHSGR events such as the Annual Convention.

AHSGR members can express their interest in being considered for a seat on the Board of Directors by completing the following form.  Your submission will be evaluated by the Nominating Committee who will identify a recommended list of members to serve on the board. Members are elected by ballot each year prior to the annual membership meeting.

Become a Board Member

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Please describe any education, technical training, work experience, or other non-profit activities that would be beneficial to the Board.
Past utilization of AHSGR services, participation in Conventions, volunteer contributions, etc.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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