At Home in Russia, at Home on the Prairie – DVD

Prairie Public Documentary DVD was previewed at the Annual AHSGR International Convention in Portland, Oregon to a very receptive audience along with
a presentation given by Dr. Lewis R. Marquardt and Dr. Dona Reeves-Marquardt of Austin, Texas.

“A river flows gently into its broad lagoon, its banks punctuated by once German villages, dazzling fields of grain, abundant vineyards, fruit trees, and gardens. The land is fertile.
The area is typical of many German settlements that once made these Russian steppes a breadbasket of grain and other agricultural products. The Germans who settled
the area are largely gone now, scattered in a diaspora of forced migration through difficult decades of political unrest and change. And though the region no longer exists as
when the Germans lived there, it endures in the minds of the people, lingering fragilely ‘da haam in Russland,’ ‘back home in Russia.’”

Stories provided by Msgr. Joseph Senger, Christina Gross Jundt, Helen Feist Krumm, Dr. Adam Giesinger, Fr. Thomas Welk, Theresa Kuntz Bachmeier, Barbara Schneider Risling,
Ron Volk, Colleen Zeiler, Debra Marquart, Mary Ebach, and Clara Ebach.


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