Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4 – Winter 1988

Cover: The cover picture shows threshing grain in the Dobruja. It helps illustrate the article entitled “Germans in Mangeapunar, Dobruja” by Aubrey B. Marthaller.

“Memories of Johann David Idler From Sarata, Bessarabia”
“A Family Divided” by Helen Schoenhals Herbel, history of the George and Katherine Elizabeth (Born) Fritzler family
“The Open Door” by Karl A. Lurix is an account of the Reverend Frederick E. Tilly, who was the first German-Lutheran chaplain at the Ellis Island Immigrant Station
“The Sheve Family Emigrates,” by Betty Christiansen and Henry Sheve
“Autobiography of Philip Ott” translated by Edward R. Brandt
“Migration of Bukovina Germans to North America” by Paul Polansky Schneller
“Marienfeld, Russia”
“The Adolph Family: Warenburg Fresno-Kazakhstan” by LeRoy Adolph
“Roots and Development of the Ebenfeld Mennonite Brethren Church” by Solomon L. Loewen
“We Sing Our History” by Lawrence A. Weigel
“Books and Articles Recently Added to the AHSGR Archives” by Frances Amen and Mary Rabenberg

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