Map #11 Daughter Colonies

Map Of German Daughter Colonies
(Karte der deutschen Siedlungen im Raum Alt-Samara, Ufa-Dawlekanowo, Orenburg, Neu-Samara und Aktjubinsk)
Cartographer: Karl Stumpp
Size: 22 x 17 inches


Map description: Map of Daughter Colonies founded between 1859 and 1913 between Longitudes 49o and 57o and between Latitudes 49o and 56o. All of these Daughter Colonies were founded by Black Sea Germans except 4 which were founded by Volga Germans.


Northeast of the major original Volga colonies and includes the Russian cities of Samara (now Kuibyshev), Ufa, and Orenburg (known as Chkalov 1938-1957).




AHSGR Map # 11 Translation

Map Title: Karte der deutschen Siedlungen im Raum Alt-Samara, Ufa-Dawlekanowo, Orenburg, Neu-Samara und Aktjubinsk: Map of the German Settlements in the region of Old Samara, Ufa-Dawlekanowo, Orenburg, New Samara and Aktjubinsk

Bearb. v. (Bearbeitet von) Dr. K. Stumpp: wrought by Dr. K. Stumpp

Schwarzmeerdeutsche: Black Sea Germans

Mennoniten: Mennonite

evangelisch: Protestant

katolisch: Catholic

Wolgadeutsche: Volga Germans

erloschen: extinct

(1890) Gründungsjahr: foundation (year of founding)

Eisenbahn: railroad

Fluß: river

russ. Ort: Russian place

Grenze: border

Nachdruck verboten: reproduction prohibited

Ausgabe 1964: 1964 edition

Dem Amerikanischen Historischen Archiv der Deutschen aus Rußland: The American Historical Archive of the Germans from Russia

verehrt: venerated


Karte III: Map 3 (upper left)

alt: old

Kolonien: colonies

Abkürzungen: abbreviations

Wald: forest

od. (oder): or

Dörfer: villages

Gegr. (gegründet) 1890: founded in 1890

viele deutsche Gutshöfe: many German estates

Landplan: map

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