Origin, Development and Dissolution of the German Colonies on The Black Sea

Origin, Development, and Dissolution of the German Colonies on the Black Sea via the Example of Kandel from 1808 until 1944

by Anton Bosch and Josef Lingor
published by AHSGR
Lincoln, Nebraska
Origin, Development, and Dissolution of the German Colonies on the Black Sea via the Example of Kandel from 1808 until 1944.
This book traces the history of the people and villages established by German colonists in the Black Sea area beginning in the early 1800s until 1944 using the village of Kandel and neighboring villages as examples. It is an attempt to provide insights into all aspects of economic, religious, and cultural life from the immigration into the area through the highs and lows of World War I, the Civil War, and Stalin’s persecution during and after World War II. It describes various events and achievements focusing on people in Kandel and emphasizing people who were instilled with an undaunted pioneering spirit, and who were diligent, hardworking, and deeply rooted in the language and culture of the old homeland of Germany. From the colonies’ origins to the height of their development, and then to eventual decline and dissolution through events that changed the political and economic landscape and environment, the book details the impacts on the lives of the colonists and provides insight into their unyielding spirit and quest to succeed and overcome adversity. However, in the end, the village ceased to exist with their inhabitants dispersed in many parts of Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, East and West Germany, the United States, and Canada. However, the achievements they accomplished while colonists in Russia in order to assist it in becoming a huge empire and make it possible to achieve the status of a world power, are both notable as a tribute to their energy, and hard work. Whether someone has roots in the Black Sea area or is interested in German-Russian history, the book will provide interesting insights.

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