Surnames - D

Information in red indicates surname charts NOT owned by AHSGR.

Dotz chart (village(s) of Enders) - Commissioned by Randi Bolyard, 8309 Epinard Ct., Annandale, VA 22003,; Not for Sale. Contact Randi Bolyard, 8309 Epinard Court, Annandale, VA 22003

Dreith chart (village(s) of Beideck) - [B4] Commissioned by Sam Dreith, 1939 S. Kearney Way, Denver, CO 80224; Notify when chart copied / Wants $50 donation to go to AHSGR when chart copied. Purchase from: AHSGR, 631 D St, Lincoln, NE 68502

Dreith chart (village(s) of Beideck) - [C3] (Ancestors chart for David & Catharina Dreith). Commissioned by Ruth Hale; Contact Brent Hale, 6217 Stonehill Drive, Dallas TX 75254; Purchase from: AHSGR, 631 D St, Lincoln, NE 68502

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