Treffen Tuesday


"The Germans from Russia Heritage Collection (GRHC) at North Dakota State University Libraries, Fargo" presented by Michael Miller and Jeremy Kopp

Treffen Tuesday


"Traveling Back in Time: Using Historic Newspapers to Enhance Your Family Story" presented by Allyn Bronsz

Treffen Tuesday


"German Lutherans in Central Siberia: St Mary's Church in Tomsk as a Case Study" presented by Dr Alexey Streltsov

Treffen Tuesday


"Caring for Rare and Historic Materials: An Introduction to Archival Practices and Basic Presentation" presented by Dr Ashley Todd-Diaz

Treffen Tuesday


"Through Grandfather's Eyes - Postcards are a Window to the Past" presented by Duane Stabler

Treffen Tuesday


"AHSGR Technology Strategy" presented by Bob Ahlbrandt

Treffen Tuesday


Russ Gunther, Volunteer “WikiTree” ambassador and Volga German sub-project coordinator. Russ attended Iowa State University where he studied Business Administration and minored in German. He spent a summer abroad studying … Continued

Treffen Tuesday


Wayne Garman: I am a native of Saskatchewan, Canada, with Germans from Russia ancestry in the Kutschurgan village of Elsass as well as the Mennonite colony of Chortitza. I hold a masters … Continued

Treffen Tuesday


Presenter: Wayne Bonner  Although virtually all members of AHSGR have heard the story of Catharine the Great and her manifesto of 1763 inviting settlement in Russia, not everyone is aware … Continued

Treffen Tuesday


Lena Wolf currently lives in London, but grew up in Kazakhstan as a child of Germans from Russia parents. Lena's mother Angelina, was born in the German village of  Blumenfeld … Continued

Treffen Tuesday


In this presentation we will learn why the sisters, Jackie and Janine Pfeiffer, decided to write a book about their childhood memories of the 1950's. We will learn the background and how … Continued

Treffen Tuesday


We are pleased to announce the Peter Hilkes presentation on the War in Ukraine has been rescheduled! Join us Tuesday, July 12th at 2:00 PM Central.  PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE … Continued

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